Farnham Programming Space

Farnham Programming Space

The newly renovated Farnham Programming Space (FPS) offers a variety of educational, social, and interactive events for all residential and commuter students.

From our Residence Hall Association body meetings to the Coffee House/Open Mic Night, there are countless events in the FPS for students' enjoyment. When there is not a scheduled event, the FPS offers quiet study hours for residential students, a place to meet new people, a place to relax, or a place to simply watch TV or Reslife Cinema. 

The FPS provides students with a variety of services for use during any event, program or leisure time during our hours of operation. Those services include:

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • 2 Large TVs (with connectivity to BluRay, Cable, DVD, iPad, and Laptops)
  • iPod Dock
  • Microphone and Stereo capabilities
  • Multiple Internet and electronic hookups
  • Air conditioning
  • Bathroom [Handicap Accessible]


Places at Southern